Body language is a set of behaviors that men can use to great advantage. Good body language conveys confidence, strength and high value. Good body language isn’t only attractive to women, it can set you apart in your interactions with family, coworkers, bosses and strangers. Nicholas Jack’s The 9 Laws of Attractive Body Language is an excellent resource to developing much better body language that will make you much more attractive to women, as long as you have a persistent desire to assimilate these behaviors into your daily routine. Displaying attractive body language is just as much about not doing certain things, as it is about proactively developing new habits.
The 9 laws are: eye contact, smile, chin up, shoulders back, take up space, calm and relaxed movements, slow speech, clear speech, deep speech. As you can see, the first six laws relate to your physical appearance and the last three to your speech. By combining the 9 laws into your daily routine, you will have created a powerful tool for attracting women and meriting the respect of others.
I’d read about each of these behaviors in the past, but the strength of this book is that all the points are covered in one volume. Two particular behaviors that have made me very attractive to women are eye contact and slow relaxed movements.
I think good eye contact is one of the most powerful body language tools in existence. A trick I learned (that isn’t covered in the book) for maintaining great eye contact is choosing one eye to focus on. When I am facing a girl (or any person), I focus both of my eyes on their right eye, so I am looking across their face. If I am sitting next to someone, I’ll focus on the eye that is closer to me, since depending on their movements the eye that is further away can become obscured. Once you get used to this it will feel perfectly natural and you won’t be bouncing back and forth from one eye to the other and it is very powerful. Another tip with eye contact requires some social intelligence, but as a rule you should not be the one to break eye contact with someone most of the time. Eyes have been described as the windows to the soul, so that may make them the best way to communicate with another person.
Slow relaxed movements (and calmness in general) are something women have commented on in particular as something they find attractive about me. They’ve described me as calm, solid and deliberate. This behavior is a good example of focusing on not doing something, rather than creating a new set of behaviors. An important habit to eliminate when striving for being relaxed is fidgeting. This can include tapping your feet, playing with keys a pen or anything else and not moving your limbs, head and eyes too quickly. If you’ve been a fidgety person for a long time this habit will take time to develop, but you can be heartened by the fact that doing less, will actually yield better results and will improve people’s perception of you.
If you’ve grown weary of traditional “game” info that focuses on texting, logistics, routines, etc. The 9 Laws of Attractive Body Language is an excellent change of pace. You will quickly realize that what we say to a woman is far less important that how she perceives us through our body language. The laws you learn from this book will not only benefit your romantic life, but will also greatly enhance all of your interactions.