Summer has flown by fast and we’re already into September. A lot has happened in my life, most notably my move from California to Warsaw, Poland last March. In this, first edition of the Patient Ambtion newsletter I sum up some of my recent experiences and personal goals. For regular […]
Patient Ambition on YouTube, Nick in Warsaw
Today I published the first video on the Youtube Channel. It’s a basic introduction where I say a few things about myself and the site. If you have any suggestions for videos that you’d like to see in the future or feedback on the video quality, I’d be glad […]
Instantly Improve Your Look With a Professional Haircut
Post inspired by an article at Danger & Play: Losing Your Hair: Should You Care?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We’ve all heard about how men who want to be more attractive to women should work out, consume nutritious food and improve their posture, on top of learning game. These are excellent habits that take time to […]
Power House Gym in Warsaw
One of the first things I did when I arrived in Warsaw for a long stay in 2012 was find a gym. I’d started weightlifting on a regular basis earlier in the year, so I wanted a place I could walk to and keep up the habit. After doing some […]
Why I Left California for Eastern Europe
Since March I’ve been living in Warsaw, Poland. It’s not my first stay in the country, but this time I have no plans to return to Northern California permanently. The process it took me to get here lasted roughly 5 years. I didn’t think I would leave my job at […]
Torero Travels by Tom Torero
Many men dream of traveling the world while seducing beautiful and exotic women, but few men ever embark on more than a cookie cutter vacation. Tom Torero has not only explored more of the planet than 99% of us, but he’s met and seduced dozens of women from virtually every […]
Approaching Exclusively in Polish
I’ve decided to approach women in Polish instead of English while living in Warsaw. Since I began learning game in late 2011, I’ve relied on English as my main approach tool, even when in Poland, though I know Polish. My only formal Polish language instruction was in grade school in […]
Moving to Poland
After a lot of deliberation (probably too much) I’ve decided to move to Warsaw, Poland. I was born in California, but my parents and ancestors are all Polish. One reason is to pursue my PhD in history, but more importantly it’s to start a new life in a place where […]
The 9 Laws of Attractive Body Language by Nicholas Jack
Body language is a set of behaviors that men can use to great advantage. Good body language conveys confidence, strength and high value. Good body language isn’t only attractive to women, it can set you apart in your interactions with family, coworkers, bosses and strangers. Nicholas Jack’s The 9 Laws […]
49 Approaches in 7 Days
Last month I completed the 7:7 Daygame Summer Challenge put out by Tom Torero of The challenge was to approach 7 women per day for 7 days straight, for a total of 49 approaches. I didn’t follow this exact format, doing more than 7 approaches some days and less on […]