Part of the joy of living independently is creating the lifestyle you want. As time goes on I see there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to, but I’m trying to refine and adjust things as I go along to make the most […]
There’s No Substitute for Experience
Experience is like currency or an investment that you can draw upon as you accumulate more of it. Recently I reflected on three areas of my life where experience over time was the defining feature of my achievements, namely: game, moving abroad and my PhD. There’s no substitute or shortcut […]
Challenges of Independent Living
In my last post I wrote about the benefits of independent living. Though things are much better for me now, there are tradeoffs and new challenges to face when you reconfigure your lifestyle towards freedom. Diet Last time I mentioned that a poor diet was a phase I went through when I […]
Benefits of Independent Living
Exactly a year ago I moved from Northern California to Poland. Besides a month-long visit back home for the holidays, I’ve been living in Warsaw, the capital city. Its been a great experience, not without its challenges, but overall a dramatic improvement to my previous lifestyle. Sleep This is probably […]
30 Days of Discipline by Victor Pride, The Bootcamp for Winners
Most people lack discipline. They may have a bare minimum of personal responsibility which gets them through their day, paid and laid, but there’s something missing. They aren’t pushing themselves with new challenges, busting their ass daily to reach a new level of success or striving to become someone greater. […]
Addicted to Distraction, Revealing Mass Media Manipulation
Media is an amorphous term than can encompass physical objects as well as digital information, entertainment, “news” and a mix of them all. In Addicted to Distraction: Psychological consequences of the modern Mass Media, author and professor Bruce G. Charlton makes the case that the “Mass Media” is a “inter-linked communication system […]
The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
Over three years ago I was introduced to the manosphere through Roosh. Shortly thereafter I became familiar with a number of writers who covered a broad range of topics important to men, including game, style, weight lifting, nutrition with the overarching theme of taking the “Red Pill”, an analogy from […]
Getting Things Done
Creating a consistent, productive routine that taps our greatest creative energies by putting routine tasks and random ideas in their place is one of the greatest things we can achieve in life. Such as system allows us to check off a multitude of routine tasks that make up modern life, […]
New Blogroll Links
I want to bring to your attention two new links in my blogroll: Solo Ventures and Thomas D Daygame I met these guys through my blog and daygame, respectively. Solo writes about business and lifestyle in a rapid-fire, creative way, while Thomas relates the adventures and struggles of his daygame […]
Juicing in Warsaw
Here is a video I made about the MPM MSO-09 juicer I use while living in Warsaw. Its very similar to my Omega Juicer back in California. Besides demonstrating how the juicer works and the fruits and vegetables that I use, I also make some recommendations for sites to visit and books […]